Create an Account

The following article will help you to set up your CloudT Pro account successfully

To log in to the Subscription Manager please enter the email and password you selected during registration.

For security and protection of your card details, Subscription Manager is an independent platform through which you manage your subscription and payments exclusively.

The password setting when you entered your details on the registration form was for Subscription Management.

When you create your account you will receive two emails from CloudT:

  • 1st email: welcome email to CloudT Subscription Management

In case you have chosen the annual subscription and make use of the 30 free days of use, the above email will also inform you about the duration of your trial period.

  • 2nd email: email password definition in CloudT Pro

Since your initial registration in the Subscription Manager, the email address you set has been automatically transferred as your username.

For security reasons, because the CloudT Pro central platform operates independently of Subscription Manager, you will need to reset your password.

The second email will ask you to set the password to log in to the CloudT Pro platform.

For your convenience, you can set the same password you set during the registration process

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