VAT report
This section helps you to get an overview of your customers' VAT liabilities.
The central table in the "Reports / VAT" section allows you to easily check at a glance for possible missing VAT liability documents that have not been uploaded for your customers.
The section shows your customers, based on the books they keep, in two tables:
In Category B are listed:
- Customer company name
- VAT (in quarters)
- Intra-Community (monthly)
- Environmental Fee (monthly)
- Accommodation tax (monthly)
In Category C are listed:
- Customer company name
- Intra-Community
- Environmental Fee
- Residence tax
You can filter the results based on responsible managers, or for Category B businesses filter by VAT or Environmental Tax/Residence Tax/Internal Tax or navigate to previous quarters.
All entries relating to VAT liabilities are marked with an indication:
Completed: In the completed ones there is the symbol "✔️" and next to it the "View" button, where you can see the tax liability tab
Incomplete: in the incomplete ones there is a "❌" symbol and next to it the cloud icon, with which you can directly upload the missing tax document.
The pre-filled fields of the tax registration form are:
- Customer
- Tax category
- Tax period
If the customer has no tax liability, the indication "--" appears in the table.