Reporting of corporate documents
This section helps you to have an aggregated view of the corporate documents of all your clients.
The central table in the "Reports/Company documents" section allows you to check at a glance the quantity of documents per client in a table with columns of the document categories of companies (openings, declarations, agreements, etc.)
The corporate documents display the following data in a table::
- Customer company name
- Inserts/statutes/changes
- Statements
- Certificates/Attendances
- Balance sheets
- Proceedings
- Agreements
- Other Documents
To add a new company document click on the "Create" cloud of the corresponding client document you want to upload to the list.
After you have filled in the details before completing the document entry, select "email notification" if you want your customer to receive an email notification immediately about the document you have added. In addition he will have the option to download the file
View/Receive documents
To view the documents in a category, click on the number of documents of the client you are interested in. A list of the corresponding documents, their title and date of creation is immediately displayed.
By selecting the title of the document you are interested in, you are taken to the tab where you can download the file.