
This section shows an accurate picture of your actual revenue, as well as the money still owed to you by your customers.

The 'Transactions' section gives the accountant an accurate picture of actual receipts and money due to the accounting department, based on the debits made and actual receipts.

Set the time period, select a specific customer or contact, payment method and see the aggregated prices in the "Total" and the detailed transactions in the Transactions table. You can also export the table in PDF format.

Like the example below, the PDF report you received shows the total time spent by the administrators on the billable tasks performed, the total charges, the duration of the period you selected, and the date you received the report.

In the list where the transactions are displayed in detail, you can choose to view a transaction and see details about the fund, its actions and edit/delete relevant actions.

Warning Deleting a task is an irreversible operation and its data cannot be recovered.

In the list you can also click on the Title of a transaction to see the transaction tab where the details, transactions and actions of the transaction are displayed.

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