Adding a Customer

Learn how to add your accounting clientele to the cloudt.PRO platform as customers.

Each customer occupies a user position from the available licenses of the subscription plan you have selected.

Follow the steps below to add a new customer to the CloudT platform:

  • From the Menu on the left, all the way down, open the menu with the SETTINGS and select "Customers"
  • At the top right you will see the "Create" button, which will open the form for entering the data for a new customer.

To complete the addition of a new Customer, fill in the registration form and select "Create". In case you wish to register more customers, select ''Save and add new''.

Alternatively, you can find the Add Customer form in the + icon of the Info Bar at the top of the page.

Mandatory entry fields

In order to be able to register the customer correctly, the mandatory fields are:

  • Name of company / Name of individual
  • Customer category
  • Email
  • Type of company
  • Codes for sending documents to the ADPE
  1. User name
  2. Keyword

Without filling in the above information, the system will not let you register the customer.

It is very important to fill in the codes for sending documents to the AADE correctly in order for the myDATA module to function and for your client to be able to use the invoicing application and send the myDATA documents.

Show the customer in the list of reports

To display the client in the reporting lists, select the corresponding obligation fields of each of your clients.

  • Appearance in payroll reports
  • Has VAT
  • Has an Environmental Fee
  • Has Residence Tax
  • Has Intra-Community

Client to administrator connection

When registering a client, the accounting office can designate specific people from the accounting staff (managers) to be responsible for specific areas of the client.

The areas that you can connect administrators to clients are:

  • Payroll Officer
  • VAT officer

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