Adding an Administrator

Learn how to add your accounting staff to the CloudT Pro platform as administrators

Each administrator occupies a user position from the available licenses of the subscription plan you have selected.

To add an employee as an administrator, all you have to do is fill in the registration form.

  • From the Menu on the left, all the way down open the menu with the SETTINGS and select "Managers"
  • At the top right you will see the "Create" button, which will open the form for entering the data for a new administrator.

When creating an administrator account you will be asked for the following information:

  • Full name
  • Profile picture
  • Language
  • Email

Operator Licences

Before you finish adding the employee to the list of administrators, choose which rights you want him/her to have in your Online Accounting office

  • Select ''Receive recruitment notifications'', when this administrator employee is involved in payroll and recruitment in your accounting office.
  • Select "Access to the cashier'', if this particular employee-manager has insight into the finances of your accounting office.
  • Select ''Only create a new fund entry'', if you want the employee-manager to be able to enter transactions in the cash register of your accounting department, but without having a complete overview of your company's finances.

Once you have filled in the form and clicked on the "Create" button, the new administrator is created.

Immediately, the new administrator will receive a welcome email at his/her email address asking him/her to set his/her login password.

After you return to the list of administrators, there is an indication of whether the administrator has received and read their welcome email.

The indicator is green 🟢 when the administrator has opened the email received and red 🔴 when he has not opened it yet.

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