myDATA / Concise book
See an aggregated view of your customers' revenue and expense data for the time period you select.
To view a summary book, follow the steps below:
- Select your customer (trader)
- Select the time period
The table below shows the summary ledger of each customer separately.
The items displayed are:
- Month/Year
- Type (e.g. Income or Expenditure)
- Net value
- Difference
- Taxes withholdings
- Other taxes
- Stamps
- Fees
- Reservations
- Third Party Income/Expenses
- Total amount of revenue and expenditure by table category
After the list of results, you have the option to download data in excel format.
The download options are as follows:
- Download of a summary book
- Receipt of revenue by counterparty VAT number
- Receipt of expenses by counterparty VAT number
- Receipt of revenue per month
- Receipt of expenses per month
- Receipt of revenue by contractor VAT number per month
- Receipt of expenses per contractor VAT number per month